Strategic Planning In Healthcare

Strategic Planning In Healthcare
The effectiveness of running a health center or hospital involves an implementation of an information system. Selecting an information system is a process, one that needs to be evaluated from two perspectives; internal and external. An organization that has recently merged with other two hospitals offering the same service is faced with the difficulty of designing and implementing a system that will cut across the entire enterprise. Since the development and implementation of a new system are not an option, a critical review of the existing systems has to be done to determine which is best suited in running the entire organization. Healthcare information systems (HIS) selection has been one of the daunting tasks to healthcare providers, clinicians, and policy makers (Hebda & Czar, 2013). The case is not different for the committee charged with the duty of selecting an information system that will inculcate the needs of the new organization. The merging of the hospital with two other has increased its needs in terms of data collection, processing, storage, and dissemination. A retrospective review of similar cases that have been faced with the challenge of selecting an effective system should be carried out as a preliminary requirement for analysis.  There are five categories upon which the selection process entails. A critical review of these sections enhances the adoption of a system that is adaptive to the growing needs of the organization. The basis of these requirements is data creation, data management, sharing of the data, presentation of the data and management of the various modules.
Based on the expansibility of the organization, a new practice management in the electronic health keeping records have to be adopted. In addition to the issues of data depicted above, the plan should evaluate the following areas to enhance the success of implementing the system. Communication is key to the success of service delivery in a health care institution. Communication has to be enhanced between the medical practitioners such as doctors and nurses and the management team as well as the technical people. From a technical perspective, it is relevant to adopt a simple system; one that does not suffer from technical mishaps such as constant breakdown during communication. In this case, the error logs of the three systems to be considered have to be evaluated to enable determining that is the most reliable in terms of communication. The system with the least number of recorded errors should be considered as more reliable as compared to the rest. In addition, the time spans between the occurrences of the errors have to be considered. If the timestamps are close together, this means that the system is prone to constant failures and breakdowns per average time as compared to a system with errors apart.
Other than communication, another point of consideration is the response time. Hospital information systems should provide the least amount of response time to enhance the delivery of service. Activities such as X-ray scans need efficiency (Hebda & Czar, 2013). Therefore, an information system that provides and distributes the scan results within the least amount of time is worth adopting as opposed to a system that takes more time to process and deliver the results. In addition to the response time, accuracy should be paramount. In the medical fraternity, there is no exception for errors since their occurrence can be catastrophic. As a result, the results of the information systems in terms of calculations should be compared to ensure that accurate results are delivered. The system that depicts the least error margins for the greatest number of data results should be considered for adoption as opposed to systems prone to errors.
Adopting the right kind of information system enhances the performance of the organization and in this regard, the evaluation process serves as a strategic requirement. The right system improves the usability of health informatics application. From an end users perspective, and in this case the end user is the medical fraternity, the user interface design is paramount. Effective design of the user interface does not only enhance the interaction with the system, it enhances the delivery of service in a quick and effective manner. Therefore, the process of selection should consider evaluating the three systems in terms of design and their effectiveness in involving the end users. Properly designed systems are easy to interact and work with and in the process, motivates and enhances the working of the medics (Hebda & Czar, 2013). In addition to the user interface, another evaluation point that should be incorporated is the integration, implementation, and maintenance process. A system that provides an ease in the application of the three undertakings is well suited for adoption in the hospital. During merging, the hospital activities are affected, adopting a system that minimizes or reduces this effect influences the delivery of services and influences the normal running of the organization positively.
In conclusion, the system to be adopted should be easy to adopt. It is better to patch the current system to adapt to the changing needs of the organization than introduce a new system that will cause ripples to the running of the hospital. An effective system in this case should require the minimum training time for the organization personnel to acquire and adopt (Hebda & Czar, 2013). Personal records and health information exchanges, policies and legal requirements should not be affected. If this happens, it will incur more costs and time which is of the essence during the integration and implementation phases.

Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals.       Boston: Pearson.
