Economic Planning and Environmental Conservation

Economic planning and environmental conservation
Environmental conservation is a major concern in modern society. Individual attempts to better their lives should be regulated by the government in an effort of ensuring that their activities do not pose a threat to the environment (Brooks, 2010).  Various factors influence economic planning such as health, education, security and creating job opportunities (Rudi, Azadi & Witlox, 2012). In an attempt to achieve these opportunities and conserve the environment, economic planning activities have to be adjusted. There are undeniable merits of preserving the environment. The most developed nations are campaigning on the need to protect Mother Nature as they are responsible for sacrificing the environment in their quest for development.  Contrary to this, the developing countries are determined to achieve a developed status regardless of the sacrifice to the environment. Restrictions on economic planning should depend on the level of development of the country.

The economic development of the developed countries has shifted the balance of the world’s economic order (Brooks, 2010). The need of developing nation to achieve a developed status makes them fail to see the consequences to the environment. Economic development is not the only determinant of quality life. Environmental quality is also a major contributor to better lives (Rudi, Azadi & Witlox, 2012). The major reason is due to the presence of unpolluted air and clean water that are basic elements for supporting quality life. A wake up call should be made to the developing countries to motivate them to conserve the environment and not fall in the same trap as their predecessors. Universal foreign policies and humanitarian activities should be enacted to enforce the conservation of natural resources.  Conserving the physical, biophysical and cultural trends of a nation is done through the application of tenure systems and proper cultural norms (Rudi, Azadi & Witlox, 2012).  The application of these systems will influence global economic development.
