Adolescence- A Time of Transition

Adolescence- A Time of Transition
For more than a century, the beliefs of states have been embedded on the misconception that the juvenile justice system was formulated to protect the public through the provision of a system that responds to teenagers (individuals who are maturing into adulthood) (Bartol et. al,, 2012). Children criminals are viewed and classified differently from adults. They are seen to poses a greater capacity for change and less blameworthy. For this reasons, separate court systems to address juvenile cases have been implemented. A separate, youth-based service to deal with adolescent challenges and crimes is adopted that is different from that of adults (Rozalski et. al, 2008). The collection system has an impact on the lives of the youth and has substantially grown and changed since 1899.
The primary goal of the juvenile system remains to be rehabilitation of the young. As such, it distinguishes itself it applies various distinction ways from the criminal justice system. For example, the hearings of the juvenile court are often closed from the public as opposed to the open discussions in adult justice system. The records are also confidential which relinquishes the culprits of the burden of delinquent activities in their past. Therefore, juvenile crime and justice is viewed from a developmental point of view. As a result, statistics indicates that the offence among the young has drastically reduced since the early 1990s (Bartol, 2012). However, prior to then, states had adopted a get-tough policy that denied individual justice juvenile protection among youths. Despite the changes in the juvenile justice systems, cases have been cited where the young people are victimized based on race. For example, in 1980 black youths were arrested for drug trafficking and were not segregated from the adult prisons (Rozalski et. al, 2008).

Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2012). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (Laureate       Education, Inc., custom ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Rozalski, M., Deignan, M., & Engel, S. (2008). The world of juvenile justice according to the       numbers. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 24(2), 143–1 47. 


Adolescent reasoning is more advanced than that of children. Children can only think logically about the concrete, in the present moment. Adolescents are able to think beyond these limitations and consider what might be true rather than just what they experience as true. They can deal with abstractions, test hypotheses, and envision an unlimited number of alternatives. Nonetheless, egocentric behaviors and attitudes are common among adolescents. Adolescents are also socially and emotionally maturing throughout this period. The search for identity is the most crucial activity of adolescence. (This is generally a lifelong journey that begins in youth.) The search for identity is often accompanied with the struggle for independence. Get some mind games here or watch how to get Legendary Brawlers in Brawl Stars for more tips.

Thus, it is true that adolescence is a crucial stage of development as child rapidly undergoes numerous changes in physical, emotional, and social aspects of their lives. It is such changes that can be vital for both adolescents as well as those people who are taking care of them. To anyone interested in this topic conducting research, here, one can find theDissertation Samples and gain lots of helpful information and tips.

Indeed, adolescence is a dynamic stage in our lives It is the phase of mental as well as physical relocation and turmoil In analyzing that phase of the nursing dissertation help, I was able to discern that support and direction are significant during this transition period.
