Critique of copy - Maximum word count of 2,000 words.
(There are areas you might need to cover and consider in the last page of attached file)
You should write a critique of two sample pieces of direct marketing (attached file). A critique is a balanced assessment
of the strengths and weaknesses of each one.
Remember you are not critiquing these pieces from a personal point of view. It does not matter whether you personally like either piece or find the products appealing. The trick here is to
try and consider these pieces with a dispassionate copywriter’s eye, imagining whether they would or wouldn’t appeal to people who are in the target market. Neither piece is either all bad or all good so make sure that your assessment of each is balanced.
I will send you the .ppt slides and files from my lecture class. There are many useful things you might need to consider in order to help you write this paper, such as pros and cons of press ads and direct mail.
Recommend books:
Aitchison J (2008), Cutting-edge Advertising: How to Create The World’s Best Print for Brands in the 21st Century, Pearson Ed Asia, 3rd Edition
Brierley S (2002), The Advertising Handbook, Routledge, 2nd Edition
Caples J (1998), Tested Advertising Methods, Prentice Hall, 5th Edition
Schwab V (1985), How to Write a Good Advertisement, Wilshire Book Company
Bird D (2004), How to Write Sales Letters That Sell, Kogan Page
Frazer-Robinson J (1989), The Secrets of Effective Direct Mail, McGraw Hill
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