Ordering a paper with AuthenticEssays.Net is an easy way to academic success. All you need to do is to fill in the basic order form, proceed with the payment and wait for your assignment to be completed within the deadline you choose.
If you are sure you can provide specific paper instructions or upload any of the required materials, you can start our ordering process by filling in the order form. Let us take a closer look at how our service works:

  1. You fill in the order form and proceed with the payment.
    In case you have any questions while submitting your paper information into the order form, our customer support is always online and ready to help. After you are through with the order form you will be automatically provided with your Personal order page where you will be able to track the progress of your order, upload any of the required materials and send messages both to the writer and to administrator.
  2. Personal writer is assigned to your order.
    Our qualified staff will choose the most appropriate writer who corresponds to your field of studies and order instructions. In case the writer must have any particular software or literature in order to get the assignment done, please do not forget to mention this in your initial instructions.
  3. Your paper is completed and delivered to your Personal order page.
When the writer finishes your paper it is delivered to your Personal order page where you can download it under the files tab of the order. If any changes are to be applied to the paper, you are always welcome to request a free revision with the new revision deadline for the writer
Please click here to Order now!
All our academic papers come in accepted academic format: 1-inch margins on all sides, 275 words per page,  formatted with 12 point Times New Roman/Arial font, double-spaced. If you need special formatting for your paper,  please include these requirements in the "Paper instructions" box on the order page.

As soon as the writer completes your paper, you should receive a notification message and email with the link to your Personal order page. However, when the deadline approaches you should also check your Personal order page directly in order to avoid any kind of  misunderstandings. Please note that we do not send files by email. The only way you can download and review your custom paper  is by following the link to your Personal order page or clicking  My Account from our web site.

We do not believe in late deadlines. We thus encourage you to provide an accurate phone number while placing the order as you will be notified immediately when the order is complete and uploaded to the site. Also, we dispatch an email notification when your order is uploaded. In the event that your paper is not delivered (rarely happens) contact us immediately. You can either write a message on your order page or enter live chat for immediate replies.  Our operator will carefully examine your order and will assist you with it right away. The reasons may vary from time to time.  It can happen that you have entered a wrong email address or your SPAM filter does not allow you to receive emails from us. It  is also possible that the writer is waiting for your reply and can not continue working without your assistance, or we are checking  the work for plagiarism. Contact us in the first place if you have any problem with getting the order on time.

In case you are not satisfied with your paper, you are welcome to request a revision from your Personal order page by sending your comments to the writer and stating the exact number of hours they can use to complete it. If you require significant alterations to the original order, we request that you click on edit the paper to submit the new instructions. However, will charge a re-writing fee that  is calculated depending on the complexity of the task. For more information and clarification do not hesitate to contact us

No, we do not have such a database. All papers you order from us are written from scratch.

Yes, our writers complete multiple choice tests and\or any other kind of online tests. We believe in doing all we can to ensure your success. We strictly adhere to the highest levels of confidentiality to guarantee the safety of any personal information you share with us.